Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween 2011

Howdy Ya'll This, like most posts will consist mostly of images. We had the spoil me rottens come up for a fun fill halloween weekend. First we went to a pumpkin patch in an attempt to get fall pictures and have fun. The fun part happened...
The fall Portrait Part didn't work out as well. It wasn't good light, kids weren't into it etc.
Then we came home for lunch and pumpkin carving. Z wanted to design it herself.
The pumpkin ended up a bit cubist.
The kids also had some fun with BumbleBee Grandpa! Later that day we went to the Lancaster BOO- levard. Since our neighborhood stinks at Halloween this was the big event. It was fun but crazy crowded. I couldn't help but think if all these people just handed out candy at their houses halloween could go back to being a non corporate event.
Z Even got into the spirit and shared some candy with A.
After that we went to a nice dinner at a mexican restaurant. Z used to like lemons, now...
Dinner was delicious. We retired to our home and slept. The next night we lit the jack o lantern.
Then the actual day of halloween came. I dressed up Sam to torture him a bit. We haven't bought him a new costume in years, he is a moose and A is wearing Camo moose hunting PJ's.
Then I had to go to work and the kids went out with T. Here they are ready to go. Only 7 houses in our entire neighborhood handed out anything... grr...
I think that is all. That was kinda huge. Till next time, RTSZA-


Fabulous Featherette said...

What a cute witch and skeleton! Looks like you had a great weekend. Aiden is all grown up and walking around!! 22 more days and we can see ya'll in person!

Kristen said...

I like the picture of them peeking through the painted board and Z is eating a lollipop.
Taking pictures of kids is hard. I can't believe only 7 houses in your neighborhood passed out candy! That is so sad!

K said...

Dude, that's a breach of our nation's social contract. We ran through 6 bags in less than an hour and I went to get $30 more because this is America and every child (and apparently) teenager has an inviolate right to free high fructose corn syrup at least one day of the year.