Sunday, March 3, 2013

A Post Circuitously Related to Sleeping

    I've been building a bed so that T and I can finally step up to something other than a 10 year old mattress and metal rails.

Happy Fam, Janky bed.
Here is what it all started as.

Pile of wood.

 A few hours later.
Underside of the frame.
Then a few hours later.

I know it doesn't look square, it is, the camera is zoomed out wide angle.
After a bit of research we bought a king sized memory foam mattress. That meant that I had to add more slats and we had to pick a stain color. Since it is hard to find time to work during the week I waited until this weekend to do that.

One coat of stain. There will be more and a clear coat.
I'm also going to build a headboard for it based on this.

I managed to take the kids out for a little California history adventure this week. Gold was first discovered under an Oak Tree in Santa Clarita, 6 years before it was discovered in Sutters Mill. The place is called the oak of the golden dream (more info here, and here).  Apparently some guy fell asleep under an oak tree in 1842 and dreamed about gold, he woke up hungry pulled up some wild onions and there was gold on the roots. Now you look at the tree but not touch it.

A fine place for a nap.
There are a bunch of short little "hikes" so me and the kids went on a few walks.

My kids can't pass up a bench without wanting to sit on it so I used the opportunity to photograph them.

We walked around a bunch more, steered clear of the poison oak, and didn't see any rattle snakes. I took a few more pictures.

We made a stop at In n Out on the way home and finished the adventure with a chocolate shake.
Stay tuned for more adventures and super exciting bed updates!!!!



k.m.cheney said...

You guys seem to do lot's of cool little adventures around your area. That looks fun and I'm all for a chocolate shake.

Kristen said...

That bed is going to be awesome! I really like it. I hear memory foam is the bomb. You'll have to let us know. Props to you for always taking your kids to do stuff, too.

Fabulous Featherette said...

I love your post, Ryan. Your new bed is going to be comfy. What beautiful children and what a beautiful day for a walk!

K said...

California history is cool. The gold rush and all that. Imagine if you grew up in Nebraska or something and the only history was that people eventually gave up on life and settled there.