Saturday, November 2, 2013

Halloween 2013

Last weekend we went to the Lancaster BOO-levard. An annual halloween celebration where all the downtown businesses hand out candy. The Grover grandparents joined us. Z was Strawberry Shortcake and Aiden was Jake from "Jake and the Neverland Pirates". There were tons of people and not free activities.

 Dancers dancing.

It was fun to have them up. Since halloween is usually such a bust around here we thought this would be as good as it would get. We decorated the house anyways and on the 31st we started the day by putting on Zoey's costume to go to her preschool party.

Somehow I always get to her preschool too early so the kids play in the yard. I'm one of those get there on time types.

schools look like prisons.
That is a sweet Unicorn costume.
We dropped off Zoey and our AMAZING fruit tray and left. She had fun at the party.

That night we got the kids dressed again for Trick or Treating.

This Halloween was actually ok in our neighborhood. There still weren't a ton of houses handing out candy but there were a lot of families on the street and kids running around having a good time. Let's hope it continues to improve.

That is all,



C&C said...

Cute kiddos. I like Zoey's shoes, your décor, and that unicorn costume. Mom and dad raised us to be on time/20+ minutes early. I hate being late.

Unknown said...

Glad Halloween is looking up in your hood. The kids are cute as always.

Kristen said...

Z's costume is sweet. I'm also happy to hear that there were more kids at your neighborhood this year!

K said...

Way to be the Halloween change you want to see. I'm starting with the man in the mirror.