Saturday, March 11, 2017

"It's Terrific...The Aquarium of the Pacific"

So it's Teacher Appreciation Month at the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach. It is occasionally nice to be a teacher because places like this will have discounted rates.... sometimes. We have never gone before because it would be like $100 to go without the discount, but since it was 1/3 of the price we went for it. 

The weather this winter has been unusually rainy- much to Ryan's dismay as this means his planned trip to walk the John Muir trail may not happen because the snow pack is 165% above normal... Anyway today it was beautiful!

Most of it was outside which was great on a 78 degree day, but it got really crowded as the day went on.  They had lots of touch tanks with jelly fish, crabs, sting rays, sharks. They also has penguin, otter, sea lion exhibits to name a few. 

They also had a bird aviary where you could buy a cup of nectar and the birds would fly up and land on you to drink it.  That was pretty awesome.  It was a great day!!!

In other happenings since December, the kids had award assemblies at school. Aiden and Zoey both got a slue of awards for citizenship and academics.  Aiden was even Student of the Month in December! He also passed into 2nd grade on a computer program they use everyday called iREAD!! (he's in Kinder)

Our city also (finally) got a trampoline park that has a rock wall the kids love!!
Ryan brought out his guitar and the kids play it all the time. We also got them into Monopoly and bought a National Parks version they always want to play. Grandma and Grandpa Grover sent up their piano to us and we are learning how to play.

Finally, last weekend before the rain came we went on another "Treasure Hunt" (really it's called Geocaching).  It's the best way to motivate the kids to go on hikes!  We went out in search of 3 "treasures" and found them all!  All the while going on a hike on part of the Pacific Crest Trail. On our way home we were trotted at by a herd of wild horses (I say they came running at us, but Ryan disagrees...we settled on trotting) . Not sure if they were warning us off of their babies, or looking for food, but it was enough to give us a 3 minute fright!!!

Here is us walking the trail and finding the cache!

Until Spring Break when our next adventure is.............

renting a Cruise America and going to Joshua Tree National Park!!!

-The Cheney's


Fabulous Featherette said...

You are all awesome! What fun adventures you have--the aquarium, treasure hunting, getting "chased" by wild horses, etc. Zoey and Aiden are growing up too fast. They are so cute! Zoey's hair is getting darker. It's so pretty and thick. Keep the posts coming (easy for me to say!). I love 'em and all of you! We do have very smart grandchildren! Congratulations on the many awards!! Way to go Aiden on your great reading skills. It's so important.

C&C said...

I'm just now seeing all of these posts. Your bathrooms and kitchen look so great! We have seashell sinks