Saturday, August 1, 2009

Week 678. Yes I am getting Lazy...

Hello all,
We are doing pretty well. Its been a fairly standard couple weeks with a few exceptions. One b-trouble, h-bomb and the big Shugga (Esther) all left for Ohio. We're really going to miss them. We got a good shot of them with S and P before they left.

On the Z front, she is getting more alert, cute, and chunky. She's up to 24 inches by our count. We've got some shots to illustrate.

She is starting to smile and laugh at us when we act silly so we thought we'd include this here Video. (She's not doing it on command yet and I didn't want to spend the time editing the video so it's a little long.)


Logan is our wild child said...

Very cute! She looks like a happy baby!

C&C said...

that video's presh.

maynard said...

The video is really cute. She is starting to show personality.

That little spike in her hair on the photos is quite pointy.

Colleen said...

Pure sweetness!

Elaine said...

I miss that little bean already! You guys too!