Saturday, April 9, 2011


In the last week I've been on spring break. I took advantage of the cold cloudy windy weather to go out and take pictures. This time I didn't have the luxury of going by myself so I brought the kids with me. This is how they experienced their first trip out with Dad and his camera.

I know that's sad but I was shooting right next to a road with cars going 60+mph and somehow letting them out in the cold to wander around next to a highway didn't seem like a good idea.

Z actually took it like a champ and A slept through most of it. I got some good shots. We went to a park in the middle of nowhere so Z could swing since she was so good. here's that.

I know that is sad too. I made it B/W to emphasize the sadness this time. There was no one there and it was cold, we left.

Other random shots.
Z likes to get everyone in her bed. Here she is with A.

She also likes to say her name. We have it hanging on her wall above the diaper change station and we spell it out and say Zoey so here she is emphasizing the "o" in Zoey.

That is all.
Till next time
Beware of a bored ocelot.



C&C said...

wow, those first pictures are sad. Especially poor Z looking longingly out the car window. How about some of the pictures you went there to take? let's see em'. Did mom make that pillow case on Z's bed? just wondering cause she is a pillow-case making machine. I have approx 15 that she has made. no lie.

SAM!!! said...

Yes she made the carebear pillowcase. no lie.

Kristen said...

The b&w picture made me laugh because it was so sad.
And Zoey by her name is really cute. I like those letters, too.

Colleen said...
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Colleen said...
