Tuesday, August 23, 2011


This is just a preview. There are actually 22 pages.


C&C said...

I like those pics. Nicely done!

Kristen said...

I love this, Ryan. Your pictures are really nice. The colors are perfect. I especially love the last one and the one of the airplanes. Was the fish one staged?
Were they all shot in the same town? What a sad little town.

SAM!!! said...

Nothing was staged. I have many more pictures of those dead tilapia, it happens every year. The trailer was painted by someone else. It isn't all the same town, some are Salton Sea, some Mojave, some Hi Vista, some random other spots. Thanks for the niceness, glad you liked.

Fabulous Featherette said...

You are awesome, Ryan! Great book. Thanks for sharing your talent with us.

Gretchen said...

I love it Ryan! How can we purchase one of these?

SAM!!! said...

just click on that there shopping cart at the bottom!