Monday, December 17, 2012

On and On

   This past week Z started preschool. It's just 2 days a week but I drop her off and she is happy to see me go I think. Given that she has now been exposed to a roomful of new grubsters our family has once again come down with illness. This fall has been a continuous stream of phlegm and hacking sounds in between other bodily fluids.

Here is her picture on the first day of preschool. Note her hair was straightened by mama. You can't tell but it's really long when it's straight.

Best face I could get. She wasn't pooping at the time I swear.

We're doping ourselves up, so I'm sure we'll be over it before we get to virginia for christmas.

We sure are looking forward to seeing ya'll.



C&C said...

So cute! Charlotte is coughing. I'm sure all the kids will get sick when we're together. They always do. Oh well.

Fabulous Featherette said...

She looks so grown up. What a cutie pie. Can't wait to see everyone.