Sunday, April 19, 2015

And This week

   Aiden had his last B-Ball game of the season. Our computer exploded and I took a 22.26 mile hike.

This week on Saturday we went to Switzer Falls picnic area, played in the creek and had a picnic lunch.

We caught a salamander/ newt (they aren't fast).

Then on Sunday we went to the Antelope Valley Poppy Festival because Zoey was scheduled to dance a part in the Alladin musical.

We also hung out.

It was fun (hot). Zoey was a great dancer. We all loved watching her.



C&C said...

That song is going to be in my head all night now. good job Zoey!

Fabulous Featherette said...

There's just something about rocks, water, and kritters that kids love. Reminds me of the many picnics we took to the park, beach, etc. Good job, Aiden on your basketball season and to Zoey for her great dancing. What cute grandchildren we have!