Sunday, September 27, 2015

Aiden Turns 5

     Aiden turned 5 yesterday. He is smart, sensitive, kind and 5 with all the rest that that entails. He is having a great year so far in Pre- kindergarten and loves going to school. He made out like and absolute bandit on his birthday and loves to play with all of his new toys.

In the morning he woke up and opened these presents.


Obi-Wan Lightsaber!

Optimus Prime!

Halloween Pillowcase!

Switch n' GO dino!

Zoey used her school "bucks" to get him a green frog zipper animal for his backpack.

To celebrate his birthday he played with his toys. We also went to Chuck E Cheese for games at his request.  Then we went to Toys R Us and let him pick out a toy. He picked out a car that drives on the walls.

In the afternoon we played in the kiddy pool and went to get batteries for his light saber. We cooked his favorite meal for dinner, home made burritos. After dinner we ate cake and he opened a few more presents.

Family Tradition.

Oreo Ice cream Cake!!!

Lego Pirates!

Another dino (he loves these things and wants them all)
In the last week we also managed to finally get ourselves another shelter dog. We named her Whitney. She is at least part Collie, 4-ish months old and cute. Raising a puppy is a lot of work but hopefully she'll be worth it. The kids love her already, our carpet does not.

1st night home. She'd been spayed that day so she was exhausted.
Now she's much more active so she wears the cone of shame to keep from licking her surgery wound.

Other than that Teresas class size is down to 26. Zoey is doing well in school and is almost up to the 2nd grade reading list. I'm plugging along at work and itching to get back out on the trails but I suppose not until Whitney is up for it...

Till next time-

RTSZA and W.


Fabulous Featherette said...

Happy birthday Aiden! Man, what a haul! The lucky guy. I like Whitney's ears. So glad that Teresa's class size is down to 26.

Unknown said...

Whoa, he did make out like a bandit! When Sam is over his switch n' go dinos he should send his haul to Aiden. Happy birthday!

Unknown said...

That was Candice

Kristen said...

That cake looks delish! Happy birthday, Aiden!!!

Unknown said...

It's impossible for me to look at a photo of Aiden and not spontaneously smile. He is so happy, fun and trusting. What a super young man.