Saturday, October 10, 2015

      This past week was full of swim lessons, school, and an eventually good doctors office visit.
On Friday I took Whitney for her first hike. I picked a short easy trail that I had done before down to Switzer falls. She started out a bit unsure about things but soon warmed up to it. By the end of the 4 mile 650ft gain/loss trail she was pretty obviously tired but she is only 4 months old so that isn't surprising. I hadn't hiked with a dog in a long time and she is still a work in progress so I spent most of the hike working with her trying to teach her obvious things like follow the trail, don't jump off cliffs, don't drink the standing water etc...

On the hike back she didn't like the uphill and was really worn out. We got in the car and started driving home. I got about 10 miles from the trailhead and looked down to find my Low Fuel Light on. There was nowhere to turn around so I had to drive another few miles on a mountain road to find a picnic area where I tried to get cell reception.

The empty picnic area had no reception and the cars passing on the road didn't have time to see me so I figured we couldn't stay there. Since we were in the middle of nowhere at least 20 miles from the nearest gas station to the south and much further than that to the north I decided to turn around. We made it about 9 miles before the car sputtered out and I pulled off the road. I remembered a Forest Service fire station at Clear Creek so we walked less than a mile there. They managed to dig up some gasoline for me while I apologized profusely for being the moron who heads out into the mountains without checking his gas tank first. I walked back to the car put the gallon of spare gas in the tank and went to give the exhausted, hot Whitney a drink before we walked back to the fire station. I realized that I had left her dog bowl at the trailhead. I was not having a smart guy day. We walked the gas can back to the fire station then headed down hill away from home to the nearest gas station with the car in Neutral most of the way. We made it to LA and filled up the tank then headed home.
     Once we got home I had a 150lb package waiting for me on the porch. I got out my tools and set out to build a trampoline. People online in the reviews had said that the directions weren't great. They were right. I managed to get it almost all the way built only to realize that I had misplaced the door to the enclosure, so I had to take the thing almost all the way apart then rebuild it. Eventually I got it built and the kids jumped until dark.

That is all for now.



Fabulous Featherette said...

So glad that Teresa was finally able to see a doctor and that the results were good. Sorry about your not so fun hiking/dog training/running out of gas adventure. Zoey and Aiden will have so much on the trampoline. Glad it has the protected sides.

Kristen said...

A trampoline? How fun! I'm glad you have a new hiking buddy. She looks sweet. And I'm glad you were rescued. Love you!

K said...

That dog is good looking.

Unknown said...

Glad you made it back OK. That last picture is perfect Halloween hair for Zoey. Just put a little gel in there to hold it in place.