Monday, November 2, 2015

Halloween 2015

     The weeks recently have been mostly uneventful. On Saturday the Grovers Came up to celebrate Halloween with us. It was fun to have them up. The kids trick or treated our pathetic neighborhood and came back slightly disappointed so Teresa and I took them to a further away neighborhood where they made out a little bit better. We live in suburban neighborhood and we only got 4 groups of trick or treaters all night. Our block only had 2 houses giving out candy. People are lame.

The kids dressed up as Power Rangers. On Friday they were able to wear their costumes to school.

Zoeys class did not participate in a Halloween Parade.

That is all.



Fabulous Featherette said...

Very cool costumes and grandkids!! Love them! I'm always grateful that the Grover's live within driving distance and can be with you.

Unknown said...

Great costumes. They look powerful and intimidating.