Sunday, March 30, 2008

obligatory post surgery pics

So we will spare you the before pictures but here are the glorious after pics. The sweet smelling lady wouldn't let the mountain man take a picture of the region immediately after the surgery cause she wanted to cuddle popo like a baby and hug and kiss him into the night... But eventually she caved so here you go.

These pictures look worlds better than it first looked so the good news is that he will be up and at em soon, and not so... exposed... if you know what I mean.
He's already trying to play a little, and he is still forced to wear a hood. Every time he comes running at me I run away cause I hated that hood so much.

So thanks for staying up to date. Special thanks to those of you who wished him well. So long everybody. I hope you enjoyed our series of gross out pictures.


C&C said...

EW! I would rather see that than a picture of his weewee, but still. that's gross.can hair grow back over that spot? i hope.

SAM!!! said...

I hope it won't really be noticeable and that hair will grow back but it was a pretty big surgery so we will see.

Kristen said...

Woah. Those are some major scars! I was thinking just like a little snip snip or something. Poor Popo.

Elaine said...

Holly says, "Don't worry Popo, it'll heal, I promise."