Wednesday, March 26, 2008

vet visit!

Today the sweet smelling lady and the mountain man said they had to take popo to the vet to fix his peeper. I don't like the surgery thing. I feel bad for popo. Everybody keep you fingers crossed for him!


Kristen said...

Ew. Poor Popo.

C&C said...

I'll keep my fingers crossed. By the way, I was wondering, do you like modern art? Because we just started looking at it in my humanities class and I hate looking at pictures of black squares, etc.

SAM!!! said...

modern art has many excellent qualities and many lame ones. It like classical music, the more you know about it the better it gets.

C&C said...

I've decided that I like classical music. someone taking a urinal and naming it "fountain" is another story!

SAM!!! said...

It's all about context. People pick out these certain pieces out of context and make fun of them but when you look at DADA and the intentional absurdity of the entire movement as a reaction to the art world and the pre WWII European society with all it's strange customs and rules then things begin to look different.