Saturday, March 3, 2012

Pro Stylin!

So, The big event today is that Z got her first salon haircut. I broke down and let the ladies go spend exorbitant amounts of money ($12)!!!!! T captured the historic event as it unfolded. You don't have to be a micro expression expert to see she was nervous.
Lollipops help make even the scariest kid events acceptable.
She tied her hair up with ribbons and sent her out looking spiffy.
Here is a before and after. Please excuse the blur, she's -ahem- *active* today.
I know it's hard to tell but they trimmed up her bangs and cut a bit off of the back. (we've been doing that for free) RTSZA

1 comment:

Fabulous Featherette said...

What a beautiful looking little girl! Love the new do!