Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The last week.

So, I'm afraid there is no way that this post will serve as any kind of resolution to the previous post.
With that said...T had a busy week. On Wednesday night she had to go work at Mcdonalds to fund raise for her school. I took the kids but I forgot the camera and it was so crowded there was no where to eat. We bought some food, bid T good luck and left. Last Friday T loaded up a bus with rowdy 5th graders and set out for a boat ride on a "floating laboratory" There are a few pictures of that.
There is some real gold in those photographs. Just amazing. She loaded up on dramamine, accu-pressure bracelets and ginger gum and managed not to lose her lunch on the entire trip. A real feat.
I had to go into the valley to change a grade for last semester. I took the kids to an indoor play yard down there. It was empty at first so they had the run of the place. It filled up eventually but we didn't stay all day.
Then on the weekend we headed down to the OC to BBQ and enjoy some grandparent/ Aunt time.
It was really fun. Great food, shopping, walking, swimming and just hanging out.
Random Shots.
Till Next Time. RTSZA

1 comment:

Fabulous Featherette said...

I'm so grateful for G&G Grover. What fun. LOTS more fun that being with 35 excited? 5th graders!