Saturday, July 7, 2012

Photos and words arranged, edited, and captioned so as to create an impression on a small audience about our busyness and general activities...

     As I mentioned at the end of last weeks post I tried and FAILED to put in a new ceiling fan last weekend. Here is a before and after shot. It seems that this lamp is being held in place by a tiny thin rod which anchors the junction box. That was unknown to me until I had taken down this lamp, unattached everything, noticed quite a wobble in the box so I unscrewed the box, reached up in the ceiling and walla! Tiny rod holding the whole thing up. That means that unless I wanted to cut a huge hole in my ceiling the best option was to try and put the whole thing back together. Lets just way that is never as easy as it sounds with this house, but eventually I succeeded. A little before and after. I took the before shot thinking I would have a rad ceiling fan to finish the comparison. Instead I have a crummy shot of the same thing.

T is still doing the class so we set out for the California Museum of Science. It's free and we are trying to hit all of the free things. So we've been here before but not for her class.

As per every trip this summer this place was FULL of summer campers.
"A" is wary of the smelly masses.

The exhibits were fun and scenic. We saw we conquered, we left. Blogger is acting crazy right now and driving me INSANE! so you get pictures and nothing else from here on out.

Oh and THIS!!!!


maynard said...

Great Fu Manchu action going on there.

Gretchen said...

Cool stache. They can hang a fighter jet in that building and you can't even hang a simple fan?!