Tuesday, June 28, 2011

9 months

A is 3/4 yr old now. Here are the stats. 15% weight, 75% height, Off the chart head... yep.... uhhhh.... this lead to much long winded conversation about the Doctors own children and their extremely large melons. Stories about adult large hats for kids at Dodger games, vendors laughing in his face, angry dads after waiting in line only to get back to the seat and find out the helmet was too small etc. This was all done loudly with much gesticulation.

He's also become more afeared of strangers, or he doesn't like doctors already, or he doesn't like stomping, loud, long winded, analogy for everything Dr's. He's healthy.

.-. -.-- .- -. - . .-. . ... .- ... .- -- --.. --- . -.-- .- .. -.. . -.

That's morse code^


Fabulous Featherette said...

Doesn't like doctors? He sounds like his dad--"They're going to kill me!!!" I can't believe he's already 9 months old.

Elaine said...

Apparently our son has a big head too.

K said...

I can't stand when people have an analogy for everything. It's sort of like when someone feels like they have to make a joke about everything. So annoying.

^ There are two layers to this sucker. I'm deep. Think it through.