Sunday, June 26, 2011

Goings On

Howdy all,
Since Summer is here Z has become a fan of the great outdoors and walks.

On one of these recent walks Some older folks down the street offered a few toys that had been waiting for her in their garage. Z kindly accepted and brought home a new car and a scooter type thing. These have quickly become the only things she wants to do all day. She doesn't like to actually go anywhere in them, she just wants to climb in and out and push them around empty. Here are some enjoyment shots.

As you can see the spoil us rottens came up to enjoy our company for the day. Z has them wrapped aorund her tiny finger.

Some other random shots of our kids generally being themselves.

We are generally happy. Summer is here. T is home. It's HOT. We go places. We try to think of places to go. We Eat. We Sleep (a little).

Thats all folks.



hapi said...
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Fabulous Featherette said...

Let the good times roll! Adorable children!

Elaine said...
